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Submitted on behalf of Provost Benjamin Rifkin:

Last October a pilot Faculty Scholarship, Research and Creative Inquiry Fair was held in conjunction with the Faculty Colloquium series where various faculty members from Research Council presented their research or scholarly work. 

The event was very successful and we would like to repeat it on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, from 4:30 – 6:30 pm, in the Clark and McDonald lounges. 

The fair will consist of five minute “lightning round” talks in Clark Lounge which will start at 4:45 and end at 5:45pm, to be followed by the Colloquium speaker.  Poster presentations and visual pieces such as art, photos or film, will also be displayed from 4:30 – 6:30 pm in McDonald Lounge. 

We strongly encourage faculty to share their recent research/scholarly work or works still in progress.  Wine and cheese and other refreshments will be available.

David Kornreich, Assistant Professor in Physics and Astronomy, will be the featured Colloquium Speaker and will be presenting “Gravitational Waves Explained:  What they are, How they are Awesome, and Why you should care.” 

If you would like to participate, please complete the presenter registration form at the link below by March 25, 2016.  Presentation space is limited so please let us know if you are interested as soon as possible.

Presenter Registration Form

If you have questions, contact MaryAnn Taylor at or 274-1206. 

Interested in presenting your research or scholarly work at the April 6 Faculty Colloquium and Faculty Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Fair (SRCI)? | 0 Comments |
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