Each year, Ithaca College celebrates cultural diversity through our campus- wide Cultural Theme Month celebrations. Through the collaborative efforts of the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs, our campus partners in various departments and offices, and our student organizations, we are able to provide various opportunities to learn, share, celebrate, empower, and appreciate Latina/o Heritage Month, Native History/ 1st Peoples Month, Black History Month, and Focus Asia Month.
Focus Asia Month is an annual celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander cultures and histories. Through programs and events that are both fun and educational, important achievements and issues that surround the AAPI community are highlighted. The power and diversity that exists between the rich AAPI cultures are showcased throughout the month-long celebration at IC.
Friday, April 1st- Identity Panel, BUS 111 7PM-9PM- What exactly does it mean to be “Asian American?” This Identity Panel is the first program of Focus Asia Month at IC in which student panelists who identify as Asian, or Pan-Asian, share their experiences and how growing up with this racial and ethnic identity shaped their perspectives in society.
Thursday, April 7th- Asian Cultural Dance Workshop, Fitness Center Wood Floor Gym 7PM-9PM- Dance troupes from Ithaca College and Cornell University will host a dance workshop at the Fitness Center. This workshop will showcase various forms of cultural dances present within the Asian Diaspora. Attendees will have the chance to learn Filipino line dancing, Indian Bhangra, and many other art-forms. This is guaranteed night of learning and interactive fun for everyone!
Thursday, April 14th- Anti-Black Racism in Asian American Communities, BUS 111 7PM-9PM-This panel discussion will involve both students and faculty sharing their personal experiences as people of color at Ithaca College. Discussion topics will include the ways in which the Asian American community can stand in solidarity with the Black/African American community and where Asian Americans are positioned in the media's representation of the black and white binary.
Friday, April 15th- Asia Night, IC Square (Pub) 6PM-9PM-Asia Night is the largest event of Focus Asia Month and is a continuing tradition. This night celebrates the students on campus and allows them to display their various talents. Asia Night consists of student performances, food, and engaging activities in which the IC community can appreciate the beauty in Asian cultures while gaining an understanding of how these cultural practices have permeated and influenced the Western context.
Friday, April 15th-Sunday, April 17th- Ithaca Pan Asian American Film Festival, Various Locations and Time (More info to come)-This film festival began in the spring of 2015 and was made possible by the efforts of both students and faculty members. The film festival was a collaboration between Ithaca College, Cornell University, and the local Ithaca community. Focus Asia Month continues this annual event as a signature event for the cultural theme month celebration.
Thursday, April 21st- JR Aquino Performance Night, Klingenstein Lounge 7PM-10PM- The Asian American Alliance is excited to host JR Aquino at Ithaca College, a Season 3 “The Voice” contestant with over 7 million views on his hit single, “By Chance (You & I)” There will be an interview session with him in Klingenstein Lounge in which JR will share details of opportunities and obstacles encountered while on his journey to success. With the lack of Asian American representation in media, AAA (Asian American Alliance) hopes to bring to light the story of one who has taken the “Side B” path. Following his performance, there will be a meet and greet.
Special shout out to the members of The Asian American Alliance for providing the Ithaca College Community with a powerful, interactive, and fun month of engagement!
Multicultural Affairs aims to provide opportunities to all IC Students that will increase awareness, understanding, and appreciation of ALANA populations. All questions should be directed to RahK Lash, Assistant Director for Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) at rlash@ithaca.edu.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs at OSEMA@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
(To stay informed and involved with the ALANA Community @IC, check out our Webpage and request to join our OrgSync Portal for weekly news updates.)