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Please join us for a talk entitled: 'Challenging Implicit Biases in STEM' with Carolyn D. Sealfon

About scientific integrity, Richard Feynman said, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.”  How can we better apply scientific integrity to how we interact with and evaluate people in our fields?  Research indicates that all of us tend to make unconscious assumptions that result in inequitable treatment of people, their work, and their careers based on characteristics such as gender and race.  In this seminar, you will engage with key research findings about implicit bias and discuss strategies you can apply individually or collectively to reduce the negative effects of our subliminal prejudices.

Carolyn D. Sealfon served as Associate Director of Science Education at Princeton University for four years, and as a physics professor at West Chester University of Pennsylvania for five years. In her quest to improve scientific literacy, she is currently spending a year teaching at an inner-city high-school. She received her PhD in theoretical cosmology from the University of Pennsylvania and her BA in physics here in Ithaca, on the opposite hill.

Tues., Mar. 22, 2016
CNS 206B @ 12:10 p.m.
Pizza and Refreshments will be available for $1.
Please bring your own cup. Remember to Recycle, Reuse, Reduce.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Department Assistant at


Carolyn D. Sealfon talks about 'Challenging Implicit Biases in STEM' for the Physics & Astronomy Spring Seminar Series | 0 Comments |
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