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On behalf of the Ithaca College Sigma Phi Omega Chapter, Elizabeth J. Bergman, associate professor of Aging Studies, accepted the 2016 Service Project Award for the “Age on Stage” intergenerational theater project.  


Sigma Phi Omega (SPO) is the National Academic Honor and Professional Society in Gerontology. The Service Project Award recognizes service-learning experiences and projects by professionals, undergraduate or graduate students affiliated with an SPO Chapter. The service projects are designed to positively impact both elders and students. As winner of this award, the Ithaca College SPO Chapter was honored at the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Annual Meeting on Friday, March 4th in Long Beach, CA.


According to Elizabeth Bergman, “Age on Stage” broadens the scope of students’ experiences, demystifies aging, dispels stereotypes, and gives students a sense of what it would be like working professionally with older adults by bringing Ithaca College students together with residents of Titus Towers, a senior living community, for rehearsals that are filled with fun, laughter and creativity. Titus Towers resident and playwright, James Tyler adds, “senior citizens like spending time with the young people, and the students are fascinated with the knowledge and expertise and foibles of the old folks – who laugh and kid around just as much as the students.” To learn more, visit 

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