Please stop by the Handwerker Gallery this Tuesday, March 22, at 6pm for the Department of Writing's second Handwerker Reading Series event of the semester, featuring readings of fiction and poetry by Writing faculty Mary Beth O'Connor and Jim Stafford as well as by Writing majors Alexis Farabaugh and Grace Rychwalksi. The readings will be followed by a short open mic -- so bring something to read!
Find out more about Tuesday's readers below:
Mary Beth O’Connor will be embracing retirement at the end of this academic year, after teaching in the Department of Writing since 1996. Whew. She’s “a little bit tired,” to quote her grandson, and looking forward to writing projects left long unattended, painting, reading . . .
Jim Stafford is an assistant professor in the Department of Writing and the author of several books of nonfiction for young adult readers, as well as poems and essays. He is also the editor and publisher of Split Oak Press, a small literary press housed in the Department of Writing.
Alexis Farabaugh is a junior Writing major and an Integrated Marketing Communications minor. Out of class, she enjoys working at The Writing Center and editing the Prose & Cons section of Buzzsaw Magazine. Alexis also interns at the Tompkins County Public Library foundation, where she helps bring the community together. She hopes to inspire someone as much as Kurt Vonnegut has inspired her. Apart from extracurriculars and her creative work, Alexis loves interior decorating and preparing gluten-free vegan meals.
Grace Rychwalski is a junior Writing major who has always had a passion for reading and writing literature, especially fiction. Getting lost in a fictional world is one of her favorite hobbies, and recovering from book hangovers, in her opinion, is always worth it. Focusing on the maturation of young adults, Grace attempts to create realistic worlds in which her characters try to understand their identities. Writing from experience is paramount for Grace, as she tries to put small pieces of herself in every character she crafts--for better or worse.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jacob White at or (904) 501-9860. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.