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The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium, an entity formed by local and regional governments to provide affordable health insurance to employees, retirees and their eligible family members, is launching a contest for a new logo design.

Said Executive Director, Don Barber, "The consortium continues to grow as more and more governmental entities seek to reduce the cost of providing quality health care to their employees.  We are looking for a logo that symbolizes our values of collaboration, quality and wellness. Given the large number of talented students in our community a logo contest is a great way to accomplish this while supporting student learning at the same time."

The contest will begin on Monday, March 21st and submissions may be submitted to board member, John Fracchia ( by 5:00 PM on April 19th with the subject line of, "Consortium Logo Contest." Designs will be reviewed at the Consortium's May 26th board meeting and if a winning design is selected the designer will be awarded a $100 prize.

About The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium:

The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium is an efficient inter-municipal cooperative that provides high-quality, cost-stable health insurance for members and their employees and retirees.  We invest, individually and collectively in realizing high quality, affordable, dependable Health Insurance for our members and their eligible family members.

Logo Design Contest Launched By Local Area Health Consortium | 0 Comments |
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