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Naeem Inayatullah presented “Flow: Uncovering the Language of Differentiated Oneness in Hegel, Marx, Sufi Teaching Stories, and Autobiography” for the panel Writing the Self in IR for the annual meeting of the International Studies Association in Atlanta Georgia, March 15-20, 2016.  

He also presented “N = 1” for the roundtable Conceptualizing Historical Entanglements in IR, and “The Warm Indifference of the Non-Player,” for the roundtable Peripheral/Subaltern Agency in Critical IR: Beyond the Silence/Resistance Paradigm?   

He was chair and discussant for the panel, Social Suffering, Production of Affect, and the Politics of the Human; co-panelist for “Narrative Approaches,” in Critical Security Studies Methods Café, and chair for Postcolonial International Theory: Old Divides, New Syntheses.    

Naeem Inayatullah (Politics) Presents at Conference | 0 Comments |
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