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Clark Lounge: 8:30-9:30 Open Space Landscapes: Dialogues across the Discipline 9:30-10:30 Environmental and Geographic Landscapes 10:30-noon The Political Landscapes of Cinema: Latin America, Mexico, the Caribbean with Jonathon Ablard (History/Latin American Studies), Rodrigo Brandao (Kino Lorber and Cinema Slate), Enrique Gonzalez Conty (Modern Languages), Carlos Gutierrez (Cinema Tropical ), Charyse Tia Harper (dir,Panomundo), moderated by Cecelia Lawless (Cornell University) Noon to 1:30 Lunch break on your own. Eat in the Campus Center downstairs, either at the snack bar or in student dining 1:30 to 3 Media and Arts Landscapes: Industries, Indies, Interfaces, Intonations with Wenhua Shi (new media artist), Jon Nealon (dir, Here Come the Videofreex), Billy Hall (television executive), Jairo Geronymo (pianist, Landscapes Concert), Erinnisse and Patrick Rebisz (dirs., Shoulder the Lion), Jon Bowermaster(dir. After the Spill, Dear President Obama), Karin Chien (dGenerate Films and prod. Circumstance), moderated by Claudia Pederson (FLEFF assistant curator of new media and Wichita State University) 3-4 p.m. Break Park Auditorium: 4-5:30 The FLEFF Annual How to Get Your Break Panel Extended bios and information on all FLEFF events and screenings at Sponsored by the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, the Park Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, the Roy H. Park School of Communications, Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, and the Ithaca College Center for Faculty Excellence FLEFF: A DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Patricia Zimmermann at or (607) 274-3431. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. |
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