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Interested in a Fall 2016 Tutoring position?

Interested in a Fall 2016 Tutoring position?

The Film A&A Tutor Program is currently seeking applicants for the Fall 2016 semester. Tutors in this cohort are employees of the Roy H. Park School of Communications Dean's Office. Tutors are trained to work directly with professors, guests and students as a support network for students taking Film A&A. This program requires students be available Mondays from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., for at least one break-out section of the course and for at least two PLUG sessions each week. Additional meetings/trainings are also required for this position. Interested students should send a cover letter, resume and qualifications to Professor Jill Loop ( no later than April 15.

Film A&A Tutor Applications Being Accepted | 0 Comments |
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