Come hear the story of Holocaust Survivor: Fred Heyman. According to Howard Goldberg, "Fred will be talking about his experience growing up in Berlin and living in Berlin through the Holocaust with a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother. He talks about how people helped save him along the way, and how those people are "Upstanders". Fred tells his story with a message tied in, to be an "upstander". He calls his story the story of bad things happening as good people stood by and let it happen. He is great with teenagers and kids and adults because he always says, "I don't care where you're from or where you live, we were the same age once." He really hits on being active and taking a role in the world, knowing whats going on now."
Howard Goldberg will be screening the film that he made about Fred in addition to Fred's talk.
This event is sponsored by Hillel at Ithaca College and the Jewish Studies Program at Ithaca College.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kayla Reisman at or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.