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 Raza Rumi (Scholar in residence, Honors Program) recently published an article entitled "Pakistan Needs Deradicalization Programs. Force Alone Won’t Cure Intolerance" in The World Post

Last Sunday, a suicide bombing in a public park in Lahore, Pakistan killed more than 70 people and injured at least 300. Most were women and children. The country was also rocked by protests in the capital.  Pakistan's prime minister has announced — not for the first time — that his government will not distinguish between “good” and “bad” militants. To secure Pakistan, private militias of all hues have to be tackled with carefully designed deradicalization and reintegration programs. Without these vital measures, violent extremism will resurface in some form or another."

Raza Rumi (Scholar in residence, Honors Program) recently published an article in The World Post | 0 Comments |
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