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SGA Meeting Minutes 3/28/16

Contributed by Dominick Recckio on 04/02/16 

Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, March 28th! 



Ithaca College Student Government Association

Senate Meeting Agenda

Monday, March 28, 2016 7:30pm– Taughannock Falls Room




I.                              Call to Order.


II.                          Roll Call


III.                      Approval of the minutes

Jonathan Gould

Second: Jonathan Couce


Motion to reduce Quorum to 9: Seandre

Second: Matilda 


IV.                       Guest Speakers


V.                           New Business

A.         Voting in of Senators

Ø  Lilia Ferris

Ø  Freshman Vocal Performance Major

Ø  Senator for School of Music

Ø  I have never done student government; I am not for the position of power thing.

Ø  People in this school do know me and trust me, I think communication is important.

Ø  I understand what is happening in my generation and I want to be a voice.

Ø  I would like to be in collaboration with all of you.

¨          Questions

Ø  What is one think you would like to see change on campus or in the music school?

Ø  In the music school I would like to redo the interior and practice rooms because they are depressing and also there are not a lot of trash cans on campus and that bothers me.

Ø  What are some ways you will reach out to your students?

Ø  Technology, and social media.

Ø  Can you tell me one or two positions that you have had in which you have been a leader of a group?

Ø  In high school I was president of Gay Straight Alliance, and the social media coordinator for prom committee.

Ø  How would you motivate your constituents to take a step, and how would your insight motivate their passion?

Ø  I don’t really know, because I know what motivates students is baiting. I would hope all of you would help me in that.

Ø  If you could teach a class at IC what would you teach?

Ø  Diction, language is my specialty.

¨          Discussion

Ø  She seems really enthusiastic like she really wants to be in the position.

Ø  I liked how honest she was, she didn’t try and embellish any leadership roles she has had. She wants to learn; she seems like a really good bridge to the music students.

Ø  I respect that she didn’t have an answer to one of the questions.

Ø  This could be a start of a better relationship with the school of music and Student Government.

Ø  I think with elections coming up this is a great opportunity to have someone new.

Ø  This also benefits SGA long term.

Motion to move to voting: Jonathan Couce

Second: Joe


In Favor: 11

Opposed: 1



Motion to open continuing business: Jonathan

Second: TJ


VI.                       Continuing Business

A.         LGBTQ studies bill (James)

Ø  Minor meeting is this week it will be at 10am in the demotte room.

Ø  If you did not fill out the doodle and want to be at the meeting it is on Friday at 10am.

B.         FAFSA Bill (Allen)

Ø  Setting up a meeting with someone in financial aid, by then hopefully we will have a resolution written for the bill.

C.         SOTSA bill (Stewart)

D.        Committee Representation Bill (James)

E.         No Confidence Bill (Recckio)

Ø  No info yet but more to come.

F.          Course Evaluations (Recckio)

Ø  Doing a sprint on course evaluations, I want to get it to a new place.

G.         Student Bill of Rights

Ø  Doing a sprint on that as well.

H.        Shared Governance

Ø  Meeting on April 8th.

I.            PEACE Bill

Ø  I don’t have the date on me, but office of public safety has set up an event that we are going to do at the end of April.

J.           Open Textbooks (Matilda)

Ø  We are setting up a meeting with Library next week.


Motion to close continuing business: TJ

Second: Jonathan 


Motion to move to Officer Reports: Christie

Second: Matilda



VII.                   Officer Reports.

A.         President – Dominick Recckio

Ø  I am working on Sprints and if you are interested to join let me know:

Ø  For course evaluations, working to move them online. I would like for all of the scales across campus to be the same. This is a cool chance to change that. April 4th from 12-2.

Ø  Student Bill of Rights: Friday April 18th 4-6.

Ø  Org Sync, I want to get SGA a really good Org Sync. Going to have two sprints on that.

Ø  Sustainability, looking for students to be more environmentally conscious in dorm rooms.

Ø  Prepping transition, elections are starting.

B.         Vice President of Communications – Kyle Stewart

Ø  Dom mentioned a little about elections, you will start seeing a lot of communication stuff.

Ø  Encourage your friends and people you know would be good for SGA to run.

Ø  We want to try and fill as many seats as we can.

Ø  Communications committee will be meeting Thursday.

C.         Vice President of Campus Affairs – Luis Torres

D.        Vice President of Academic Affairs – Kyle James

Ø  Scholarship committee, instead of 4:00 on Friday we are going to meet at 5:30, we will be out of there by 7:30.

Ø  Meeting in the Cayuga Lake room, right next to campus center dining hall.

Ø  Reading over applicants, what needs to be done.

Ø  Really happy we now have a music senator!

Ø  All academic senators come see me after the meeting.

E.         Vice President of Business and Finance - Evan Layne

Ø  Allocations from last week, just under $12,000 in total.

Ø  NY film and TV Student Alliance headed to NYC, $2,000 to them.

Ø  Premium Blend got some funding for their traveling.

Ø  The remaining amount of Student Activities Fund, is set to expire tomorrow, I am glad we made it this far.

Ø  Elections: we have a committee for elections, if you are interested in being on that committee it will only be a few meetings over the next few weeks.

Ø  Election packets are available as of today.

Ø  For Student Government Executive Board and Senator seats.

Ø  Due by 5pm next Friday, April 8th.

Ø  Judicial Review.

Ø  Campaigning will be starting April 18th, voting will take place on April 28th and April 29th.

Ø  There will be general information sessions.

F.          Senate Chair – Marieme Foote

G.         Student Trustee – Ciara Lucas

Ø  Search for next Student Trustee is off to a great start.

H.        Residence Hall Association – Matthew Blezow

Ø  RHA is having its sustainability challenged from March 28th-April 25th.

Ø  Residence hall we are checking the energy, the buildings with the lowest energy and most reduced energy use will both win a pizza party.

I.            Student Liaison to the Alumni Board – Alexa Pichiarallo

Ø  Talking a lot about the events for the Alumni Meeting, and they would like to have lunch with the Eboard the Friday before.


Motion to close: Emily
Second: Charles



VIII.               Open Agenda.

Ø  Swish to Make a Wish, for SGA, April 16th 10-3, basketball.

Ø  Host for IC TV show, Pictionary game where you separate into teams of three.

Ø  Park Organization, IC Radio has 50-hour marathon. This year it is benefiting Ithaca Underground.

Ø  Dogfight opens this weekend in Dillingham. Get tickets!


Motion to close Open Agenda: Atilla

Second: Ezeka


IX.                       Adjournment.


Call for Acclamation


End Time: 8:43

SGA Meeting Minutes 3/28/16 | 0 Comments |
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