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Family Food: the Nutrition and Wellness Game show 

 Now is your chance to watch or be on a game show right on campus! 


Family Food is an health and wellness gameshow styled after the famous GNS network show, Family Feud.  Teams of 2-4 will compete against each other by guessing the most popular answers to our health and wellness questions.  

Sign up now! Email with your team name and emails to enter. 

Want to participate in other ways? 

Take our survey and your answers might end up in our game show!


Or come and watch as an audience member! 

The event is Friday, April 22nd at 5pm-7pm in Textor 101! 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Hannah Goodman at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Ever want to be on a Game show? | 0 Comments |
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