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Are you interested in earning 18 credits while traveling through the wilderness of California and Oregon?? Do you want to earn a minor in Outdoor Pursuits in just one semester?? Are you looking to do something new and exciting for a semester??

Come learn more about the adventurous and educational experiences you will gain by attending the Immersion Semester Program next Spring. There will be two information sessions offered with free food at both. If you are interested in learning more information come join us at one of our two information sessions:

  • Session 1: Wednesday, April 13 from 5 pm – 6 pm in CHS 301
  • Session 2: Thursday, April 14 from 12:10 pm – 1 pm in CHS 201

The Immersion Semester Program is an intensive semester-long study away program for outdoor leadership and skill development. The ISP employs adventure pursuits (i.e., backpacking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting) to engage topics ranging from wilderness philosophy, literacy and ethics to leadership and risk management. 


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