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 For National Library Week (April 10-16th) we’re asking you to write and share haiku!

 Share them online or in person any way you prefer:

  • @ithacalibrary   This is our library's Twitter site.  Click the "tweet to"  button on the left to submit your haiku.  Or, tweet from your account and include @ithacalibrary and #ichaiku  

  • We also have a Circulation Twitter account you can use: @ICLibraryCirc  (use that to ask about Circulation, Reserves or Interlibrary Loan)

  • Email your haiku to:

  • Drop off your written haiku at the Ithaca Library Circulation Desk

There are free lollipops at the service desks to celebrate.  

Read more about National Library Week and writing haiku on this library guide:

Write and Share Haiku for National Library Week! | 0 Comments |
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