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Soup Supper with Sr. Donna

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 04/12/16 

Come join the Catholic Community Thursday, April 15, 7pm for food and to chat with Sister Donna.

Come join the Catholic Community Thursday, April 15, 7pm for a dinner and to chat with Sister Donna.  Sister Donna is part of the Sister's of St. Joseph where she focuses on volunteer opportunities and vocation direction.

Come and hear her talk about "From here to where...What is God inviting me to at this point in my life and how do I respond???"   If you want to meet one on one with Sister Donna please email with the title of Meet with Sister Donna  


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Dave Holmes at or (607) 274-1117. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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