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Xanthe Matychak of Environmental Studies Department is Part of Team that Won an Infosys Maker Award!Contributed by Cheryl Gunther on 04/14/16 In January, a team comprised of Xanthe Matychak, lecturer for the Environmental Studies Department, and the owners of Wicked Device Electronics Co and makers of Air Quality Egg, Dirk Swart and Vic Aprea, won an Infosys Maker Award to develop lights that visualize air quality data. They received funding to develop the lights from the Infosys Foundation and a local organization, Community Arts Partnership. If you are interested in developing a product this summer, applications are due tomorrow, April 15. If students want to learn more about lights and other maker technology, sign up for Make Better Stuff Studio (ENVS 20203) in fall of 2016. Below is a link to the article on the project written by the Rev Ithaca team. |
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