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Dorothy VanArkel Boothroyd, longtime supporter of the School of Music, passed away March 10 in Sarasota, Florida. She was the widow of former trustee Robert S. Boothroyd '24, after whom Boothroyd Hall is named.

Memorial services will be held this Monday, April 18, at 2 p.m. at the Perkins Funeral Home, 55 West Main Street, Dryden, with Pastor Paul Winkelman of the Freeville United Methodist Church officiating. During the burial service at Willow Glen Cemetery in Dryden, an Ithaca College music student will perform "The Star-Spangled Banner" on trumpet.

The college sends its deepest condolences to the Boothroyd family on their loss.

Link to Obituary

Longtime School of Music Supporter Passes Away | 0 Comments |
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