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Initial study of neutral post-instruction responses on the Maryland Physics Expectation Survey
J. Saltzman, M. F. Price, and M. B. Rogers

There is a survey given to first year physics students across the country. The survey is broken into three parts; favorable responses, unfavorable response, and neutral responses. Up until we started this study the neutral responses were seen as non-responses by the students. We chose to look at those responses in a different way. We assumed that students actively chose neutral for a reason. We are now trying to see if there is something deeper that we can infer from the neutral choices the students make after classroom discussion. This is part of a larger study currently being done in the Physics and Astronomy Department. Jared will be giving a seminar as part of his summer student research experience on April 26th at 12:10 in CNS 204.

Paper published by Physics & Astronomy major Jared Saltzman, and Professors Matthew Price and Michael Rogers in 'Physical Review: Physics Education Research' | 0 Comments |
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