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Interested in becoming part of a community that fosters confidence, networks and puts on events? Women Empowered is looking for E-board members for Fall 2016! 

This organization started last fall and has grown into a community that meets every week to discuss important topics to empower one another. We have hosted several events on campus, sponsored The Empowerment Project screening, worked with Longview residents, as well as held many smaller tight-knit group meetings to unwind, do yoga, and just talk for a while. Our website has become a platform for students to write and blog.

Women Empowered (WE) at IC can offer all of these things and more. If this organization sounds intriguing to you and is something that you would want to help further shape and build upon please reach out! We are looking for the following e-board members: secretary, treasurer, director of communications, and director of promotions,  Send an email to for more information; include your name, year, and a sentence or two about why you would want to be a part of this great organization!

For more information check out our website:



Please end this story on 05/10/16


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