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On Tuesday, April 26, Associate Professor Jack Wang of the Department of Writing will give a presentation entitled "The Making of Cozy Classics and Star Wars Epic Yarns" at 7:00 pm in Klingenstein Lounge.

Professor Wang and his brother are the co-creators of two board book series, Cozy Classics and Star Wars Epic Yarns, which abridge literary and cinematic classics in twelve child-friendly words and twelve needle-felted images. His presentation will take you on a behind-the-scenes tour of how they create their award-winning illustrations.

Cozy Classics and Star Wars Epic Yarns have been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and People Magazine, among other places, and artwork from the books has been selected for the Illustrators Exhibition at the Bologna Children's Book Fair in Italy and The Original Art exhibit at the Museum of American Illustration in New York City. Last year, the Wang brothers created a Google Doodle in honor of the 148th birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

The event is free and open to everyone.

Professor Jack Wang Offers a Behind-the-Scenes Look at His Children's Books (and Google Doodle) This Tuesday | 0 Comments |
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