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 Luca Maurer, Center for LGBT Education, Outreach & Services program director, was recognized with a  2016 People's Choice 'Signs of Sustainability' award  from Sustainable Tompkins. 


It is awarded annually to area individuals and organizations whose efforts have advanced community sustainability. The award recognized Maurer's efforts through the LGBT Center to provide services to address social isolation, stigma, and discrimination faced by LGBT people, enabling them to fully participate and contribute to our local community and beyond. Recipients were honored at a ceremony at The Space at Greenstar on April 23. More information on Sustainable Tompkins is available at



Sustainable Tompkins Honors Luca Maurer, LGBT Center program director | 1 Comments |
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Sustainable Tompkins Honors Luca Maurer, LGBT Center program director Comment from mbentley on 04/28/16
Congratulations Luca! Thanks for all you do!