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 If you are in your junior or senior year, now is the time to begin thinking about the possibility of a Fulbright application for the 2017-18 academic year.

 Fulbright awards fund study or teaching abroad, and they are available to students in every discipline. Research and creative arts awards require applicants to develop a project to be completed in the host country. English Teaching Assistantships (ETAs) do not require a full-blown project; rather, the applicant commits to serving as a teaching assistant in an English language classroom in the host country. The ETA application is relatively simple, no prior teaching experience is necessary, and students of any major are eligible and encouraged to apply. Fulbright research, creative arts, and ETA awards are available in countries across the globe. Applications are due in September, but now is the time to start planning! Make an appointment with Hugh Egan (, faculty liaison for external grants and awards, before you leave campus. 

Fulbright--what is it? Find out before you leave campus! | 0 Comments |
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