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If you are graduating this May, there are changes to your Microsoft account that you need to be aware of beginning on 5/23/16.

Under our license agreement with Microsoft, once you graduate the type of license that is assigned to your account changes from a "student" license to an "alumni" license.  As an alum, you will retain access to your IC email account indefinitely, but under the alumni license you will no longer have access to OneDrive for Business file storage or the Student Advantage program.

What this means to you:

  • OneDrive for Business - If you are storing files in Office 365 OneDrive for Business, any files that you wish to keep will need to be moved elsewhere, as you will no longer be able to access them when your license type changes to "alumni."
  • Student Advantage - You will no longer have access to the Microsoft Office installers or web apps, and any previously installed Office desktop applications and Office for iPad apps will have reduced functionality.  You will need to purchase a personal subscription license to continue using these applications after leaving Ithaca College.

These account changes will take place on, or shortly after, Sunday, May 22nd.

Digital Instruction and Information Services
Service Desk
104 Job Hall


Graduates: Access to OneDrive and Microsoft Office Applications | 0 Comments |
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