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Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our LAST meeting on Monday, May 2nd!
Ithaca College Student Government Association Senate Meeting Agenda Monday, May 2, 2016 7:30pm– Taughannock Falls Room
I. Call to Order.
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the minutes Motion to approve minutes: Charlie Second: Seandre
IV. Guest Speakers
V. New Business A. Voting in senate chair · Nominations: ¨ Carlie McClinsey ¨ Matthew Blezow ¨ Cat Proulx · Carlie McClinsey o Currently Chief of Staff o Been on Eboard for past year, know how everything goes down. o Stabilizing the constitution o Strengthening the senate o Proposition is to have a physical constitution for everyone that comes in o Organizational review committee o Person looks through constitution o The first thing I did when I entered SGA is that I looked through the Constitution o I had a large part in building the new student bill of rights o The first thing I would like to do is have a meeting with everyone and figure out what each and everyone of you guys would like to do. o New placards with Robert’s Rules of Order on the back, the meetings aren’t running as efficiently has they should be. o Bill voting online, doing it on OrgSync. o You wouldn’t have to raise your placards during the meeting, change dynamic of meeting o Create an Eboard, and senate slack. o I hope you consider me for this position, I really care about Ithaca College and I feel like this is the best way to utilize that care. · Matt Blezow o Currently president of RHA o Last semester I was the VP of RHA o Job of being VP of RHA is to run the meeting, it is sort of like the senate chair role, where you are leading the meeting. o Other leadership experience is being an RA. o Organization is a big part of that job o Community outreach is another area where I have expertise o Engagement which has been a challenge for me this year, but I have come up with creative ways to engage my residents. I think I can translate that experience to SGA o Disciplinary role, which I don’t see happening a lot here, staying on top of quorum, attendance is one thing I would be good at o More productivity and quicker meetings, I can give the senators more education of parliamentary procedure. o One on one meetings with SGA senators Bi-monthly or at least twice a semester to see what progress they are making. o If you want to talk to me I will be here for you. · Cat Proulx o Senator at large o Reasons I am interested, I am used to leadership positions, theatre organizations, RA on campus o I enjoy leadership o I am good at collaborative leadership o I am open to collaborating and learning from you guys, this will be my first semester on SGA, it makes me really open to learning and growing and working with all of you. o I am an organized person o You can trust me and we can work together. o I am really excited to get to know you all, I will be really honored to work to it, in the best of my ability. · Questions o Is Cat the only person who is going to be in SGA already regardless of the Senate Chair position? § Yes o Matt can you elaborate on what you would do for parliamentary procedures? § At the beginning of RHA we put together a cool procedure on how parliamentary works. There are other things that can be utilized, instead of extending your discussion time or Q&A time you can move to exhaust the speakers list. o If we get new senators, how would you weave them in? § Carlie: Slack Channel, I think it would be really beneficial. It is a messaging system for professionals, you can share documents and bills and talk to one another to keep each other up to date. Having those meetings one on one with senators. Getting people on committees, doing bill workshops throughout the year. § Matt: I think something that I have seen is that when new senators come in. it seems that they seem confused about what bills are going on and how we are moving forward with those bills, I think one thing to do, is to go around the table and people can introduce what bills they are working on. One on one meeting with a new senator. § Cat: One thing I truly excel at is special events, I totally support you putting yourself out there. One thing I could gravitate towards, is things that get us moving and talking to each other. Something that gets us talking to each other and getting to know each other would be really great. o Based off of what you have heard or seen from the Ithacan or intercom about shared governance how do u think the senate chair would have a place in shared governance? § Carlie: This past semester it has been Kyle James and Dom working with Shared Governance. I said I would like to be on the Shared Governance committee for next semester. Making sure I am the liaison for that shared governance structure. § Matt: Structure that is being proposed to be put in place is an interesting structure. I would serve as liaison. Conveying the decisions that come out of that structure back to senators on SGA would be one of my main priorities. § Cat: I think that shared governance is extremely important, I would advocate for open communication both in the ways for conveying what is going on and communication to senators and other members of SGA. Make sure that they are aware of their love to contribute. o What tools would you try and enact to help the senators better understand the constituents? § Carlie: Currently the bills have to be sent out 24 ours before the meetings, that is something I can fix later one, once the organizational review committee comes along that can be changes. Channels will allow you to know what bills people are working on. I will give my all to this job. If I have to get you a table to talk to your constituents, I can do that for you. § Matt: I agree with Carlie here, organization committee. § Cat: I think the first would be holding open forms. The other part would be utilizing social media and using class pages or creating tabs that connect people to the information. Possibly a way to utilize intercom, and an SGA section or identification board. I have walked through the school and talked to people about that. I think it depends on what we decide is most affective and we can determine that through research. Motion to discussion: Emily Second: Talan o Discussion: § I think looking at it from all three perceptive there are three very unique people, knowing Cat, what she is on does very well she puts 100% in it and I like the way that she answered the questions. Bringing the senate together as a whole, and bringing together that teamwork. I don’t think that was addressed as much with the other candidates. § I agree Cat is great, I think she would be a much better senator, I think Carlie is really well organized and cares a lot about SGA and had a lot of great practical ideas. § I want to build off of that I think Cat will be a great senator, and I think being a senator at large is massive. I think Carlie would do an amazing job in both organization skills, understanding in SGA, I think it is a really good role for her. § I don’t think matt understands the position as well. I think Cat has a lot of interesting ideas, I think she would be a great senator. I think that Carlie has experience, I think she could easily jump in and also be able to fix a lot of the issues that I had. § Carlie is always willing to help other people; I think she would be great as senate chair. § I think working as a team is important to this, I think if there is one group on campus to have different ideas, then I think it is SGA. I think that might be one concern I have with that comment. § Having worked with Carlie on a few projects, I can say her wortk ethic is second to none, she is always willing to work, and had great creativity. § Cat would implement all of her ideas as senator but Carlie could not. § I feel like the person I got the most passion from was Carlie.
Motion to Vote: TJ Voting Via Paper Ballot. Carlie: 7 Cat: 1 Matt: 0 ****Carlie McClinsey is the new senate chair! Theo: Reduce Quorum by 1 Second: Tim
B. TFIC Bill Revised (Conners)
Questions and Answer:
Motion to reduce Quorum by 2: Ezeka Second: Matilda
Extend Q&A by 5 Minutes: Charlie Second: Atilla § Did you change anything about electronic cigarettes? § They are considered to be tobacco products, that would be discussed by the committee. § I know you are heavily looking into Cortland’s model, can you tell me about another model your looked at? § The biggest thing with that is honestly, the real successful points that we want to implement is not jumping right into this. Committee phase, you take your time to really get it out there. § Cortland model is recognized as one of the best models, there was a big committee that worked on it, in a long period of time. § Say Ithaca does become tobacco free, how do you envision an interaction with public safety and a student? § As of right now, it will not be admitted by public safety, they can say this is a tobacco free campus. We have to remember that everyone is a part of this community. § If someone decides they are not going to stop smoking, the idea is that as is progresses, the new students will have no prior knowledge to what that is, that is when you really start to see the change. Motion to extend by 5 minutes: Atilla Second: Emily § Do you see there being an impact on Residential Life? § I sad RA are not police, their job is to be aware of what is going on and inform people on proper policies. As far as having the stuff on you, I am trying to think of as far as open containers. I don’t feel like, if someone is not using it but they have it, I don’t see that coming out. That would be something that I look at on the committee. Motion to move to discussion: Ezeka Second: TJ § Tim, I want to thank you for being a college advocate for students, I want to add abut the bill that I didn’t necessarily support it the first time it came through. I have had time to reflect on it. I looked into these big areas on campus, the one on the far end near Clark lounge, I have never seen so many cigarette buts in my entire life, to know that water goes through there to go out. The cigarette buts are affecting the the water, that is enough for me to sway. § I want to clarify the roles of an RA, an RA’s role is to conduct health and safety checks, looking for items that are illegal for them to posses. § It is not illegal to have tobacco on you anyways, even if you are under 18. I believe it will have to go through Res Hall code to go that way. The idea is that in systems that we have seen, results are that they have created campuses that are tobacco free. § We can’t say what something can look like if we don’t have a committee. Motion to Exhaust the Speakers list: Matilda Second: TJ § I want to make note, the NY times recently put up an active that cited study done in Britain, an organization to urge all smokers in Britain to move to Electronic Cigarettes. § I like this bill, I think that this is great. § I want to challenge the senators, I think we are getting caught up un the policy enforcement, that is not happening yet. § I guess I am uncomfortable with all of the nuances that aren’t discussed in the bill, I think there are other solutions to addressing things. § This bill is putting a label on this school, the same as when you come on campus during your tours, saying Ithaca isn’t a dry campus. We would be a tobacco free campus. It is an umbrella that changes the stigma of the school. Committee is going to do most of the work. Motion to move to voting: Tim Second: Charlie In favor: 6 Opposed: 2 Abstaining: 1 Bill Passes.
C. Divestment (Recckio) § I worked on this bill with many other people. § Commitment to environmental education. § Green Funds have proliferated colleges across the nation. § We have funds that provide money to students. § We recommend the college introduce a green fund that funds student research pertaining to environmental betterment. § The committee take ownership of the green fund. § We recommend the college assess the potential of endowing the green fund. § Recommend the college put the green fund as something, IC staff, faculty, families and students to donate to. Q&A § Would the research aspect, would it be for all research? § I think a committee would be putting together what the research has to pertain to. § In regards to anything that will reduce the cost, where now will the money go to? § The money is going to go to one of many things, college budget, our college works off of something called a surplus. § Have you talked to the environmental program about collaborating? § We had senior award winning student on our committee, and he has talked to Jason Hamilton, and the director of energy management, throughout this process and gained information, I think behind the scenes, he is asking questions. Move to discussion: Tim Second: TJ § I looked up the four or five colleges, and they don’t have the endowment we have. I am afraid it will take away from other things. § The point is that this would be something we would ask an Alumni to partially fund. Motion to move to voting: TJ In favor: 8 Bill passed. D. TCAT service bill (Mendli) § This is a bill on extending the TCAT service hours, I have trouble getting on and off campus on Sunday nights. § The TCAT stops running around 5 on Sundays. § I talked to over 60 people, many students go downtown, others who live off campus have to go on campus to study on Sundays, I ended up asking more than 60 people. 92% support. § I talked to Doug Schwartzs, I talked to him on the phone and he explained to me the service. § I was planning on going there and presenting the bill if this passes. § I am proposing the bill because SGA’s approval will mean a lot. § I think that this is something many students would be happy seeing. Q&A § Does your survey ask would you support it? Or if people would use the service? § I asked them both. If they said they would use the service, I surveyed them. § Would they know if we voted no? § They wouldn’t find out, unless I told them, even if this bill doesn’t pass I will present it to them. Motion to move to discussion: Charlie Second: Tim § From the way you are making it sound, I think that if it were to get SGA’s approval I think it would be a great case. § It is nice that there is student support, my concern is that I heard some issues from students and staff and community members always asking more from the TCAT but not using it often. I think you made a good case for students. § I would like to see where this goes, I don’t think it will hurt to see if pass and see where it goes. § I think it is important to ask what class is going to be using it, I think freshman use it a lot more. Motion to move to voting: Tim Second: TJ In favor: 8 Abstaining: 0 Bill passes.
E. Healthy Food initiative (Mendli) § I made some edits to the bill from last time. § I included citations that weren’t in the beginning and I met with the manger Jeff Scott and he gave me a 3-hour tour around the dining halls. § I told managers about initiative I had on the bill and they seemed to be pretty open about the changes. § Jeff Scott already implemented part of what I was asking for. § He showed me the Sodexo survey that they use every year. § Increasing the availability of healthy food option, was the most interested item on the survey. § I believe that survey proves what this bill was about. § I wanted to form a group a working group, any student and faculty member can join this committee. Q&A § If Jeff Scott has agreed to work with you, why do you need the support of SGA. § Passing the bill will show him that the SGA supports, and that is a big thing. I feel like the senators in SGA are representatives of the students. I want to include other people in the process. § Can you take us through your next steps, who would be on the committee how would they be chosen? § I will make the committee pretty open, I wouldn’t mind any staff or faculty member joining. I would take anyone from SGA or future SGA members and I would use them to emphasize that this committee exists. Motion to move to discussion: Tim Second: Charlie § Looking through this bill, I don’t see anything wrong with this, I support it. I think not passing it on the thought that things will be done without it, sets a bad precedent. I think it is better with SGA’s support. Motion to Vote: Tim Second: TJ In favor: 8 Opposed: 0 Abstaining: 0 Bill passes. F. Grab & Go (Alexander) § Another bill that I am presenting again, it was tabled. § We sourced every statement that you can find in the bill, during my meetings with Jeff Scott. § He told me in Campus center they are opening up a service where students can take hot foods away, it serves similar to grab and go service option that they have had previously. § We don’t want to change the locations anymore. § I talked to students about it and most of them are happy. § Jeff Scott seemed to be open about it. He went over it and I am having another meeting with him how we can make it possible. § To extend the hours from 10am-3pm. Q&A § What will the committee do? § Recommend to Sodexo that they extend the hours. § How is this different than the initiative they started in Campus Center? I think it is better than grab and go. § Jeff Scott, told me they didn’t have plans on extending the Campus Center service to other dining halls, but I will bring it forward to him. § Why does this bill need to be separate from the other one? § They other bill was only on healthy food options, and this is only on the grab and go service, two different things. Motion to move to discussion: Tim Second: Charlie § You are doing a lot of work for common sense things, more grab and go times, healthier foods, it seems very inefficient for you to ask SGA. To create a bill, committee and everything to get these things passed I am on the lines of thinking why these bills can’t be merged. § I agree with that, I believed the food advisory committee should be reestablished. I felt this was the most efficient way to achieve the purpose of these two bills. § I think the most efficient way would’ve been if you reinstated the committee and, was like here are things people want to change. That would be faster. § Jeff Scott asked me if I wanted to reopen and be president of food advisory committee. Motion to move to voting: Ezeka Second: Tim In favor: 6 Opposed: 2 Abstaining: 0 Bill passes.
Motion to move to continuing business: Seandre Second: Tim
VI. Continuing Business A. LGBTQ studies bill (James) B. FAFSA Bill (Allen) § Laura and I met with Julie, we have plans for next year during February to have a workshop. C. SOTSA bill (Stewart) D. Committee Representation Bill (James) E. No Confidence Bill (Recckio) F. Course Evaluations (Recckio) G. Student Bill of Rights H. Shared Governance I. PEACE Bill J. Open Textbooks (Matilda) § Going to send a wrap up email. K. John F. Spring Quality of Life Bill (Kane) L. Alumni Academic Achievement Bill (Pichiarallo) § I met with Danette and Carrie and we talked about the next steps with this bill. § Danette is going to be making a form for the faculty. § Talked about funding. M. Ithaca College Residential Environmental Betterment Bill (Recckio) N. Ithaca College Committee on Environmental Betterment (Recckio)
Motion to open officer reports: TJ Second: Tim
VII. Officer Reports.
A. President – Dominick Recckio § Congratulations to Marieme and her team for winning and the ret of Eboard. B. Vice President of Communications – Kyle Stewart § Congrats and good luck next year. C. Vice President of Campus Affairs – Luis Torres § Excited for next year and glad to work with you guys next year. D. Vice President of Academic Affairs – Kyle James § Academic senators, meeting on Friday at 3. § Congratulations again! E. Vice President of Business and Finance - Evan Layne F. Senate Chair – Marieme Foote § Glad to be here, sad to be leaving senate chair, super excited to be president! G. Student Trustee – Ciara Lucas H. Residence Hall Association – Matthew Blezow I. Student Liaison to the Alumni Board - Alexa Pichiarallo § No update.
Motion to move to open agenda: Tim Second: Ezeka
VIII. Open Agenda.
Motion to adjourn: Tim Second: Ezeka
Call for acclamation
IX. Adjournment.
End time: 10:18 |
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