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 Ithaca College seeks a faculty member (NTEN, Tenure Eligible or Tenured) with experience in working with students in mentored inquiry (including either traditional undergraduate research or mentored professional or creative activity) to be a campus leader in supporting mentored inquiry (also called undergraduate research in some disciplines).

 The duties for the position include:  working with the Center for Faculty Excellence to support professional development opportunities for faculty seeking to expand their skills in the area of mentored inquiry; working with departments and programs to expand the number of mentored inquiry opportunities both in fields that have traditionally engaged in such work and in fields that have not done much in this area in the past; working with the associate provost for experiential and integrative learning (to be appointed for fall 2016) to document and celebrate success in the area of mentored inquiry; and working with staff and a committee to organize and enhance the already very successful annual Whalen Symposium.

This position is a three-year appointment starting in fall 2016, with possibility of renewal. The individual selected will be reassigned for 3 credits of teaching each semester to complete these duties and will receive a stipend of $3,500 for summer work.

To apply, submit a copy of your curriculum vitae and a brief letter explaining your interest in the position and your background in the area of mentored inquiry.  Applications should be sent to MaryAnn Taylor ( by 5pm on Monday, June 20, 2016

Seeking Faculty Director of Mentored Inquiry | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Seeking Faculty Director of Mentored Inquiry Comment from henderso on 06/07/16
Only 3 credits per semester reassigned time for a position of this scope?
That speaks volumes about the regard the Provot's Office has for this work.