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Sport Management and Sport Media Majors Join the Business and Communications SchoolsContributed by Melissa Gattine on 06/10/16 We are excited to announce that the sport management major is joining the School of Business and the sport media major is joining the Roy H. Park School of Communications. These moves will enable students and faculty to take advantage of the best-in-class resources in these schools; leverage the wealth of internship and alumni networking opportunities each school maintains; and further grow these high-demand, premier programs. Examples of how these changes will benefit students include the following:
A hallmark of Ithaca College is its continuous development of innovative classes and opportunities to ensure that students are as well prepared as possible for professional success. Degree requirements for students already enrolled in the majors will be unchanged. Sport management and sport media courses will continue to be taught by IC’s dedicated faculty. Enhancements to the curriculum will be implemented in coming years to solidify Ithaca College’s sport management and sport media programs as premier options for students interested in careers in the sport industry. Professor Annemarie Farrell will join the business school faculty and will continue to lead the sport management major. Kyle Woody will join the communications school faculty and will continue to lead the sport media major. The minor in sport studies will continue to be offered and coordinated by Professor Stephen Mosher. Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussions and planning phases of this work. We are confident that these changes will benefit IC students and continue the college’s legacy of alumni success.
Sincerely, Diane Gayeski, Dean, Roy, H. Park School of Communications Sport Management and Sport Media Majors Join the Business andCommunications Schools Comment from
shamula on
We are very excited to have the Sport Media program, its
students, and Prof. Woody being integral parts of our Park School community. Welcome aboard! -Scott #ParkAges |
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divisions between schools always benefits students.