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Contributed on behalf of Dr. Timothy Carey, Associate Vice President, Facilities On behalf of the College’s Facilities Planning Committee, I am pleased to share with the campus community the FY18 Project Approval Request (PAR) process for capital construction and renovation projects. Although the process begins this fall, I wanted to ensure that there was an understanding of the various deadlines associated with the next cycle of PAR’s. For those unfamiliar with the process, the PAR enables members of the campus community to request capital funding for projects that result in renovations of existing spaces, or otherwise enhance a particular space(s). Some examples of projects that were funded during the FY17 cycle, and which are being executed during the summer of 2016 include: · Terrace Dining Hall Renovation The PAR process has been designed to ensure fairness and equity across the Divisions of the College. Accordingly, we have decentralized the initial component of the process by requiring all projects to be submitted directly to one’s Vice President. This and all other associated steps of the process – replete with timelines – can be found at this link. Thank you. Dr. Timothy Carey
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