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Due to a planned update, the campus telephone system, including voicemail, will be unavailable briefly on Thursday, August 4th between 6:00-6:30 a.m. In preparation for the outage, no non-critical telephone system programming changes will be performed during the week leading up to the outage.

During the Outage:

  • Call 911 in case of an emergency requiring fire, medical or police assistance. The Tompkins County Emergency Dispatch will coordinate with the Office of Public Safety.
  • To contact the Office of Public Safety for assistance with non-emergency incidents such as lock outs and requests for vehicle assistance, call either of the phone numbers listed below. If either phone line is currently in use, you will receive a busy tone.
    • 607-256-9187
    • 607-272-0470

After the Outage:

There may be a period of time where message waiting lights on telephones may not accurately reflect whether there are new voice mail messages or not. In consideration of this, users should check for messages for the first 24 hours after the update, regardless of voice mail light illumination or lack thereof.

Temporary Change Freeze:

Due to the telephone system update, no non-critical telephone system programming changes will take place between Monday, 8/1 and Thursday, 8/4. If you anticipate needing to request any telephone system programming changes within that time frame, please contact the DIIS Service Desk as soon possible.

DIIS Service Desk
104 Job Hall

Telephone System Outage August 4th, and Temporary Change Freeze | 0 Comments |
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