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A contracting position is available at Project Look Sharp to research and manage the digital/online professional development work with K-12 teachers and teacher education classes.  This work is likely to include some or all of the following:

single or multi-session courses using webinar/online technologies; webinars; e-learning modules; skyped-in presentations and consulting; demonstration videos; other online formats for interactive presentations and consulting. 

This grant-funded part-time contractual position will help Look Sharp transition to primarily digital/online approaches for providing professional development, training and consulting with educators across the U.S. and beyond. The manager will also assist in the evaluation and development of a fiscally sustainable strategic plan for expanding our fee-for-service (FFS) professional development work. 


Interested applicants should apply by August 12, 2016 by sending a cover letter and resume to Cyndy Scheibe (  Finalists should be prepared to provide two references.  Final interviews will take place in late August with the expectation of hiring by early September. 

Job Opportunity: Part-Time Digital Professional Development Manager: Project Look Sharp | 0 Comments |
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