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Dr. Maura Cullen utilizes a variety of activities to challenge our responsibility in creating an inclusive and respectful, diverse community.



All new students will experience this first-year tradition with their floor or stop by after class!  Please see your building RAs for more information. Members of the community are also welcome to attend.

As the newest members of this vibrant community, we are relying on your voice, experience, allyship, and activism to continue our movement toward becoming a respectful and inclusive diverse community.

Use this opportunity to reflect on assumptions we are sometimes socialized to believe are true for everyone and how those assumptions have an impact on our daily interactions.

 Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall (Campus Center)


 Remember: On Wednesday ONLY, attend your Monday class schedule.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Sam Guter at or (607) 274-1908. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Class of 2020 - Dr. Maura Cullen to speak on Wednesday! | 0 Comments |
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