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Are you a student leader? Are you interested in becoming a student leader? The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs (OSEMA) wants to help you navigate your leadership journey with the Student Leadership Institute (SLI).


SLIs are a series of workshops that give students the opportunity to develop and refine their individual leadership skills. Sessions for Block I will begin September 6, 2016.

SLIs are divided into four categories, allowing students to earn specialized leadership certificates after 6 institutes of the same track. The four SLI tracks are as follows:  

Leading Self: Equip YOURSELF with fundamental skills and ideas to grow as leaders, students, and individuals!

Leading Others: YOU will be introduced to practical strategies for leading effectively in groups in the classroom, the home, the workplace, and beyond!

Leading in a Diverse World: Enhance YOUR understanding of other people and learn strategies to initiate further learning!

Leading@IC: Prepare YOURSELF to lead within student organizations through workshops that provide useful information and resources as well as help students develop leadership skills!

Sessions are available through the SLI portal on OrgSync. Students interested must sign up at least 48 hours in advance in order to receive credit.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact OSEMA at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Student Leadership Institute Sessions are now posted on OrgSync | 0 Comments |
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