As the new academic year begins, please enjoy the latest biweekly email newsletter just sent out to subscribers. Before you know it, the winter holidays will be upon us. Start planning now—in January, you’ll be glad you did!
From: Traci Shoemaker
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 4:03 PM
Subject: Weight Watchers Newsletter: August 29th Edition
Maybe you’ve never overcome that after-school-snack habit from childhood. Maybe you skipped a meal earlier in the day. Whatever the cause, those middle-of-the day munchies can wreak havoc on your weight loss efforts. But don’t worry. In Combat Those 3 p.m. Cravings you’ll get the ammunition you need to fight back.
And here’s another win: doing for others. Not only is it kind, it can have an amazing effect on your own health and well being. And if your volunteering efforts happen to include exercise, then win-win-win! Ready to get started? Read Happy, Healthy Helping now.
Speaking of helping – how about helping yourself to an amazing hot-off-the-grill hamburger? If you’re not used to getting your burgers to stay juicy and cooked through, check out How to Make an Insanely Delicious Burger to learn our secret ingredients and techniques for cooking up a beef, turkey, pork or chicken burger that’s mad-good.
And for those with type 2 diabetes, here’s some news. The American Diabetes Association hosts free expos throughout the country with demos, health screenings, and education to help you live well with diabetes. Find out here if an expo is coming to your area.
Enjoy the rest of August.....
Traci Shoemaker
Regional Account Manager
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