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 Come see us to work on ANY type of writing at ANY stage in your process. 

You can make an account at, sign up for an appointment, and meet with one of our faculty or peer tutors

We are open Monday-Friday from 9-5 and Sunday-Thursday, 7-10 PM.  The Writing Center Annex in Smiddy 109 is open Sunday-Thursday, 7-10 PM. 

In a friendly, comfortable atmosphere, writers at all levels may participate in one-on-one conferences to work on effective strategies for all aspects of the writing process. Topics explored in these conferences include

  • generating, focusing, and organizing ideas
  • understanding assignments and readings
  • comprehensive rewriting of drafts
  • sentence structure and style
  • grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  • research and note-taking methods
  • documentation of sources

We offer these services for students in all disciplines -- humanities and sciences, business, health sciences and human performance, communications, and music. In our conferences we encourage students to develop confidence as independent thinkers and writers. This means that we will not revise or correct papers for students, but instead will help them learn to do this for themselves. 

Any additional questions? You can call the Center at 274-3315 or email the director, Prof. Jaime Warburton, at 


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