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Notice for Student Employees

Contributed by Donna Veres on 09/01/16 

Timecards for the pay period August 22-September 4 must be submitted and approved by Tuesday, September 6 at noon in order to be paid on Friday, September 9. It is the employee's responsibility to verify that his/her timecard is approved by this deadline. If you do not receive an email that your timecard has been approved, please contact your supervisor. Any timecard not approved by this deadline will not be paid until the following payday on Friday, September 23rd.

It is important that you verify the dates on the timecard when you submit it for approval. If you create your timecard after September 4, you will need to choose the correct timecard from the list of values on the top of the timecard next to "Pay Period." Any future-dated timecards will not be processed. Also, if you have not yet done so, please sign up for direct deposit in Parnassus. To start the direct deposit process, log into Parnassus and click on IC Student Employee Self Service, and then on Manage Direct Deposit. Enter all the required information, click on "apply," then on "continue," and finally on "submit." You will receive a confirmation that your changes have been sent to payroll. Direct Deposit ensures that your money is available to you the morning of payday, and it also eliminates lost paychecks. Please feel free to contact the Payroll Office at (607) 274-3874 or with any questions

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