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As part of our efforts to provide better planning, coordination, and alignment with college needs, Digital Instruction and Information Services (DIIS) and the Budget Office are piloting a new process for submitting technology-related NSOP and capital budget requests for the 2017/18 fiscal year. Links: Detailed Instructions  |  Request Form

This process is similar to the facilities PAR process introduced a couple of years ago.

This process applies to NEW technology-related expenditures that total $2,000 or more per line item including: software and cloud applications, Computer and technology hardware, services, eClassroom equipment, multiple quantities of an item, where the cumulative total exceeds $2,000 (ex: request for 15 iPads for use in a lab).

This process does NOT apply to: existing items owned or used by the college (i.e. funding for ongoing maintenance or support), technology acquisitions that are part of a physical space renovation - those should be requested via the Facilities PAR process, technology related items that total less than $2,000 per line item and purchased in small quantities, off-the-shelf software (that is less than $2,000) for use on a single computer.


  1. Submit requests to your Vice President (or their designate) via the Technology-related Budget Request form located on the DIIS Project Management Office page: 
  2. Also include the funding request as part of your budget submission in BudgetPak and/or Capital request. If your IT Budget Request does not get approved, the Budget Office will adjust your budget request in BudgetPak before the budgets are finalized. 
  3. Vice Presidents collect requests from their division, and provide a ranked list of endorsed requests to DIIS and the IT Steering and Advisory Committee (ITSAC)
  4. ITSAC provides a ranked list of endorsed requests to Institutional Effectiveness and Budget Committee (IEBC) and President’s Council (PC) for final review and approval / funding
  5. IEBC and PC reviews and makes final approval as to what is funded


 Now – October 15

  • Units submit their technology related budget requests to their Vice President or delegate, and include the requests in their BudgetPak and/or capital requests.

October 16 – 30

  • Each Vice President generates a ranked list of endorsed requests for their division.

October 31

  • Vice Presidents provide their ranked lists to DIIS for review by DIIS and ITSAC

December 2

  • ITSAC provides ranked list of endorsed requests to IEBC and PC for final review and approval / funding

Purpose of DIIS / ITSAC Review and Criteria:

This process is being built to create a stronger link between technology expenditures and the needs and priorities of Ithaca College. It is also intended to identify the resources needed earlier in the process to ensure that the necessary DIIS and other resources will be available during the fiscal year that funding is approved for.

The intake and evaluation process is designed to increase each campus area’s awareness of and control over their technology spending. It will make certain that IT projects provide an acceptable level of clearly defined benefits for their cost. Prioritization of requests will be more reflective of the organization’s priorities. And the prioritization, as well as the reasoning behind it, will be clear to the organization.

Questions and Assistance:

Detailed instructions and the request form are located on the DIIS Project Management Office web site:

If you need assistance with or have questions on submitting a request please contact the DIIS Project Management Office at 607-274-5111 or

New process for submitting technology-related budget requests for FY 17-18 | 0 Comments |
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