Explore the benefits of on-campus dining! Click here to download a registration form.
Great Value
Local, Sustainable & Healthy Foods Available Across Campus
- We source foods from NYS purveyors within a 250 mile radius, including Ithaca Hummus, Fingerlakes Fresh, and Ithaca Bakery.
- We serve Mindful dishes in all three dining halls! A Mindful dish is guaranteed to contain 600 or fewer calories. Look for the station in Campus Center Dining Hall and the green apple logo next to dining hall dishes. Click here to learn more about out Mindful Program!
Vegan, Vegetarian, Kosher, Halal and Allergen-free Eating Options
- Vegan Station in Campus Center Dining Hall and Vegan/Vegetarian options in all dining halls
- Kosher Kitchen in Terrace Dining Hall
- Halal options at World's Fare Station in Campus Center Dining Hall and Kosher Kitchen in Terrace Dining Hall
- Allergen-Free Dining in all 3 dining halls - My Zone in Campus Center and Towers Dining Halls and Simple Servings in Terrace Dining Halls
Flexible Dining Options for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Late Night
- You're not limited to lunch hours - dine with us at any time!
Get Lunch on the Run with Grab and Go!
- Hot Grab and Go: Use your meal plan, get a green container and grab lunch from the dining hall. Return your used container for a for a clean one or a token to claim a container for later use.
- Ready Meal Grab and Go is located at Dillingham Café and Library Café
We're giving away a FREE Faculty/Staff Meal Plan at the Annual Ithaca College Employee Benefits & Work/Life Fair on Wednesday, November 2nd!
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact dine@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.