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 Health Care and Culture Short Term Study Abroad Experience: Informational Meeting

We will be travelling Quito, Ibarra, and Otovalo to learn about culture, health care, and rehabilitation services in Ecuador, South America. Students and instructors will work with local agencies that provide services to children and adults with disabilities.  We’ll save plenty of time for sightseeing in Quito and Ibarra, and for hiking, hot springs, and shopping in the market at Otovalo.


Planned dates for the trip are from May 26 to June 6, 2017.  Come to our informational meeting in the Center for Health Studies (CHS) room 203 at noon on Thursday Dec. 1 to learn more about this experience.  



Lynn Gitlow      phone (607) 274-1532

Carole Dennis     phone (607) 274-1057

Are you looking for a summer adventure? Come with us to Ecuador! | 0 Comments |
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