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Drawing on underexplored and only recently available archives, Chrystyna Dail examines the influence of Stage for Action, a theatre group founded in 1943, on social activist theatre in the 1940s, early 1950s, and later. Exploring the intersection between performance and politics and the direct impact of the arts on social activism, Dail argues Stage for Action is a theatrical reflection of progressivism and the pro-working-class theatrical aesthetic of the 1940s. The theatre group, which used performance to encourage direct action and personal responsibility for change, eventually would function as the theatrical voice of the United States Progressive Party in the failed presidential campaign of former vice president Henry A. Wallace. 


Dail's book won the American Theatre and Drama Society's 2016 Publication Subvention Award and is a part of SIUP's Theater in the Americas series.

Chrystyna Dail, Assistant Professor in Theatre Arts, publishes Stage for Action: U.S. Social Activist Theatre in the 1940s with Southern Illinois University Press. | 0 Comments |
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