Contributed on behalf of Nancy Pringle and Brian K. Dickens
Happy New Year everyone! We are excited to share that we are only $7,000 away from our annual United Way goal of $31,000! Thank you to all those who have contributed. The amount of $7000 has significant value to our community.
In fact, below are examples of what types of essential programs and services we could provide for our neighbors with that contribution.
- Provides 7000 five-pound bag(s) of food purchased for local pantries
- Provides 3500 individual(s) with a hot, nutritious meal at a community dinner
- Provides 700 course(s) for groups to learn how to better understand & engage with people with disabilities
- Provides 875 individual(s) will receive a nutritious meal, plus advocacy and referral services
- Provides 538 individual(s) with access to an educational program on violence prevention
- Provides 175 young adult(s) with grocery and personal care items in a time of need
- Provides 163 senior(s) with recreation activities to build social connections and remain active
- Provides 135 individual(s) with access to a supportive counselor through a crisisline in times of need
- Provides 80 household(s) facing crisis with short-term emergency assistance
- Provides 56 youth with activities to build social connections and learn new skills
- Provides 40 individual(s) who is/are currently or formerly incarcerated with support
- Provides 13 youth with a full summer camp scholarship
- Provides 9 family(ies) with mediation services
- Provides 9 teen(s) access to a career exploration and apprenticeship program
- Provides 8 child(ren) and their family(ies) with intervention evaluation services
- Provides 8 homeowner(s) with low-income or a disability will receive Home Repairs
- Provides 7 family(ies) with elder and caregiver counseling
- Provides 5 individual(s) with alcohol and drug abuse assessment and treatment services
- Provides 4 Child(ren) with receive mental health services
Please consider making a donoation in support of your community. Faculty and staff pledges can be submitted online at Other members of the Ithaca College Community can donate directly to the United Way of Tompkins County at If you prefer to receive a hard copy pledge form or have questions, please contact me at or 274-1208.
Thank you in advance for supporting our campaign and the Ithaca Community.