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Congratulations and fond farewells to Vicki Estabrook, Director of Employee Relations & Equity Compliance and Title IX Deputy Coordinator, after almost 38 years of distinguished service to Ithaca College. Vicki came to Ithaca College in the summer of 1979 – when student enrollment was 4,829 and tuition, room and board combined totaled $4,244! She was hired into the, then, Office of Career Planning where she was nothing short of indispensable. Not only was she crucial to the successful functioning of her unit, she also allocated time outside of her position to serve the greater IC community as Staff Council Chairperson, among other roles. Additionally, she was instrumental to the development and overall coordination of the Minority Professionals Symposium. Her dedication to the students and employees of Ithaca College was (and continues to be) legendary, and she continues to be held in high regard throughout the campus community. In August of 1989, Vicki assumed the role of Employment Services Manager and the rest is history. Vicki’s accomplishments from then until now speak volumes of her character and her well-earned reputation. A true model for colleagues and direct reports, alike, Vicki was often lauded for her ability to properly analyze a situation, present alternatives, and to take the “right road,” no matter how difficult. This assessment was solidified when she received the Presidential Recognition Award from outgoing IC president, James J. Whalen – a recognition bestowed in appreciation of outstanding service to the Ithaca College Community. Vicki’s service on general IC and Ithaca community committees continued to expand. Early on in her career in HR, Vicki served on the President’s Advisory Committee and on a Presidential Search Committee, as well as the President’s Minority Experience Committee. She also served on the Middle States Steering Committee, among others. True to form, Vicki also served on Challenge Industries Employment and Training Advisory Committee, as well as the HR Association of Tompkins County (now SHRM-TC) and the Diversity Consortium of Tompkins County. Vicki Estabrook is known across campus for her trustworthiness, strong work ethic and her sense of fairness; these attributes, along with her witty sense of humor, genuine listening skills, and unfailing “can-do” attitude have been invaluable to her work in employee relations and compliance. Thank you, Vicki, for giving of yourself and serving with excellence and grace. Vicki’s last day will be Friday, February 10, 2017. In classic "Vicki" style, there will be no public reception or ceremony to honor her many accomplishments; however, please feel free to stop by her office or contact her personally and wish her well. Please direct future employee relations and discrimination concerns to Dr. Brian Dickens, Vice President for Human Resources at or Kirra Franzese, Director of Talent Management at Brian and Kirra may also be reached by calling 607-274-8000. For inquiries concerning Title IX, please contact Tiffani Ziemann, Title IX Coordinator at or 607-274-7761. Congratulations & Farewell to Vicki Estabrook Comment from
kcompton on
Congratulations, Vicki. Enjoy your retirement!
Karen Congratulations & Farewell to Vicki Estabrook Comment from
nkotmel on
The attributes Brian uses to describe you are accurate, but none more than
your strong work ethic and trustworthiness. You were (are) one of the great ones and you will be missed. It was a pleasure working with you throughout the years. Here’s to a much-deserved and happy retirement. Congratulations and best wishes always! Congratulations & Farewell to Vicki Estabrook Comment from
awoodard on
Happy retirement, Vicki! We go back a looong time, and throughout the years you have always been there when I needed you most. Thank you for always making yourself available, for your great senses of humor, for your ability to see situations from all sides, and for your encouragement and dedication. We sure will miss you!
Congratulations & Farewell to Vicki Estabrook Comment from
karmstrong on
Thank you for all you've done for IC over the years. Enjoy your retirement, and enjoy that grandbaby of yours!!
Congratulations & Farewell to Vicki Estabrook Comment from
iscott on
Congratulations on a well-earned retirement Vicki! You have been a mentor, confidante and friend! Thank you for your help and support over the years, your 'can do' attitude, trustworthiness and dedication. Wishing you and your family all the best! Enjoy the extra time that you'll be spending with them!
Congratulations & Farewell to Vicki Estabrook Comment from
malpass on
We are going to miss you so much, Vicki. It has been a real pleasure working with
you all these years. You are a consummate professional, and it will not be easy, perhaps impossible, to replace you. But best of luck and enjoyment in retirement- -you certainly deserve it! Congratulations & Farewell to Vicki Estabrook Comment from
haase on
I arrived at IC as a temp during your last year in Career Planning and I remember when you moved to the Personnel Office around the time I was officially hired. When I think about my years working here, you are one of the people that comes to mind, and it will be a different campus after Friday the 10th. Enjoy your retirement, Vicki--you earned it!
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and know it will be impossible to 'replace' you. But, I'm also glad that you're
now going to be able to do new things in your life. All the best in the years
Warmest wishes,