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Rising junior and senior students can email to request housing in the Garden Apartments if there are open apartments following traditional group selection.

Students interested in living in a Garden Apartment as an individual with other students, will have an opportunity to email with their request. All requests will be due to the Office of Residential Life via email no later than March 2, 2017 by 9am. The Office of Residential Life will prioritize all requests by average semesters completed and date and time of email request. Emails must include Ithaca College ID numbers and a list of apartment type preferences. The email will also need to indicate preference for co-ed or single gender and smoking preference. Please be aware that the more preferences submitted, the better a student’s chances to be awarded a space. All awarded spaces will be final. Students wishing to change their space will need to participate in the summer wait list application process. Decisions will be communicated by March 7, 2017 via email.

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