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 WGST presents Robert Jensen, University of Texas professor, discussing his latest book, The end of patriarchy: Radical feminism for men.  In this book, Jensen asks one key question: What do we need to create and maintain stable, decent human communities that can remain in a sustainable relationship with the larger living world?  His answer: A radical feminism that critiques institutionalized male dominance, rejects men's assertion of a right to control womne's sexuality and reproduction, and demands an end to men's violence.  

Jensen, who teaches in the School of Journalism at UT, Austin, is the author of several other books, including The heart of whiteness: Confronting race, racism, and white privilege and Getting off: Pornography and the end of masculinity.  

 This talk is free and open to the public.  Jensen will be selling and signing books after the talk.  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Carla Golden at or (607) 274-3504. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

The Women's and Gender Studies Program presents Robert Jensen on THE END OF PATRIARCHY, Thursday February 16th in Clark Lounge, 7-8:30 pm | 0 Comments |
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