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Looking for a way to turn your midterms stress into a midterms dessert? Ithaca College Project Generations has just the thing!

Come by the campus center lobby on Thursday, March 2nd from 12:00pm-1:30pm and purchase some chocolate covered espresso beans from Ithaca’s own Life’s So Sweet Chocolates. 

Not only will they taste great and give you the energy to ace all of your midterms, all the proceeds will go to our 5th Annual Intergenerational Prom. The Intergenerational Prom is a wonderful night where we invite our student volunteers, older adults in the Ithaca community and the whole student body to dance, eat great food, and build strong intergenerational relationships.


WHAT: Buy some Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans (it's almost midterms, you deserve it)

WHEN: Thursday, March 2nd

TIME: 12:00-1:30 PM

WHERE: Tabling in the campus center lobby

See you there!

STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards | 0 Comments |
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