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Registration Changes

Contributed by Vikki Levine on 02/23/17 

We are excited to announce some positive changes for registration which begins April 4th.

Did you know registration is not just a moment, instead a process for students to engage with advisors and participate in continuous planning up until classes for next term begin?

In an effort to ease the stress and anticipation during the initial week of registration, we are expanding time tickets over two weeks. This will give students more time to meet with advisors, departments more flexibility to manage enrollment and course demand and will allow for a more efficient review of override requests.

We are also moving all time tickets outside of regular class meeting times. The new times will be 7:30am and 12:15pm. Students will still be randomly assigned to a time. The Office of the Registrar and Deans offices in each school will be open at 7:30am on registration days to support our students.

The fall 2017 course schedule will be available for viewing on Tuesday, March 14 and you will be able to view your time ticket on homerconnect after 12:00pm on March 20th. Additional information can be found at


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