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$10 Haircuts or Donate 8'' for a Free Haircut at The Shoshana Rudnick Inch-a-Thon 3/3Contributed by Allison Copquin on 02/27/17
Stop by on Monday, March 6, 2017 in the North Foyer outside Emerson Suites for a haircut. All hair donations will be sent to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. All money will be donated to Sharsheret, an organization that supports families struggling with breast cancer. Schedule your appointment today! Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. $10 Haircuts or Donate 8'' for a Free Haircut at The Shoshana RudnickInch-a-Thon 3/3 Comment from
jpickett on
Do we contact Hillel to make an appointment?
$10 Haircuts or Donate 8'' for a Free Haircut at The Shoshana RudnickInch-a-Thon 3/3 Comment from
acopqui1 on
You can use this link to sign up Or contact :) Haircut Cancellation Comment from
jkingsley on
I need to cancel my appointment for Monday at 4:20 but can't seem to figure out how to do so on Doodle. Thanks!
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