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Submitted on Behalf of Carole Dennis and Wade Pickren, Co-chairs, Research Council

Last November a Faculty Scholarship, Research and Creative Inquiry Fair was held where various faculty members presented their research or scholarly work in a lightning round format.

The event was very successful and we would like to repeat it with new presenters on Monday, April 3, 2017 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.

The fair will consist of five minute “lightning round” talks.  Faculty members wishing to participate are strongly encouraged to share their recent research/scholarly work or works still in progress.  Wine and cheese and other refreshments will be available.

If you would like to participate, please complete the presenter registration form at the link below by March 24, 2017.  Keep in mind that space is limited – we can only accommodate a maximum of 10 presenters in the hour-long format, and we would like to have at least one presenter from each school, so please get your registration in early. 

Presenter Registration Form 

If you have questions, contact MaryAnn Taylor at or 274-3113. 

Interested in presenting your research or scholarly work at the Faculty Scholarship, Research, and Creative Inquiry Fair (SRCI) on April 3? | 0 Comments |
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