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Chris Sinton, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences, is a co-author on a web-based teaching module on Water, Agriculture, and Sustainability.  The five units in the module provide “a framework for students to learn about how people interact with water, peer into our water future, and consider ways we might foster more sustainability in water management.”  This is one of several modules and classes that are part of the NSF-supported Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future (InTeGrate) program.  The module is available for public use at 

Chris Sinton, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences, is a Co-author on a Web-Based Teaching Module | 1 Comments |
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Chris Sinton, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences, isa Co-author on a Web-Based Teaching Module Comment from jablard on 03/02/17
Congratulations my friend.