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posted on behalf of C. Vivian Lorenzo, M.D., Medical Services Director 

In 2015, the FDA approved a new meningitis vaccine that provides immunity to a strain of the meningitis bacteria that is not covered by the original meningitis vaccines (Menveo or Menactra). Many IC students have not yet had this newer meningitis vaccine.  The Hammond Health Center recommends that all Ithaca College students protect themselves against meningitis by receiving the MenB vaccine. The brand names of the new vaccine are Bexsero or Trumenba.  

The Bexsero vaccine is available at the Hammond Health Center by appointment with a nurse. Insurance coverage for the cost of the vaccine is often better if it is administered by a physician at home that is considered in-network with your insurance plan.  Since the vaccine is expensive, you may want to consider getting the MenB vaccine if at home over the Spring Break. 


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