Get a closer look at SGC! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, March 6th!
Ithaca College Student Governance Council
Senate Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 6, 2017 7:30pm – Taughnnock Falls Meeting Room
I. Call to Order.
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the minutes
A. 2/27/17
IV. Guest Speakers
A. Eric Howd-Professor
- Contingent Faculty, Department of Writing
- Teach professional writing, writing for the workplace
- Idea:
- Informal proposal projects
- Designate a problem they see and propose a solution to that problem
- Had have different projects happen in the course over the years
- More TCAT Routes to Circle Apartments to Campus
- Sustainable lighting updates across campus
- More outdoor seating options
- Parking and Dining
- Process of discovery
- Stakeholder Analysis
- The most you can predict all of the audiences the better
- General readers or general users which goes all the way up to managers and supervisors
- Filling out matrix with all departments equal on campus
- Begins their audience analysis
- Different people in multiple areas
- Team Charters and Collaborative Work
- A lot of team building
- Who are we, what are our strengths and weaknesses
- Common goals
- Core values
- Potential obstacles and mitigation plans
- Communication plan
- Project timeline/ Deliverables
- Researching and Supporting your Bills
- Do research on other groups who have done what you want to do
- Conducting pilots
- Resumes, Cover Letters, Visual Formatting and Document Design
- “Designing a presentation without an audience in mind is like writing a love letter and addressing it to whom it may concern.”- Ken Haemer, Presentation Research Manager at AT&T
- Eric Machan Howd
V. New Business
A. Bill 1617-0012: ICC Theme Consolidation Bill
· Idea came from the director of the ICC
· IC students have expressed difficulty in finding classes that fit within their themes designated by the ICC
· Uneven distribution of courses
· SGC will work to reduce themes to consolidate
Motion to move into discussion: Mike
Second: Conor
Motion to remove the third whereas clause: Isabella
Second: Mara
Motion to amend section 1.1: Jess
Second: Emily
Motion to amend 2.1: Emily
Second: Conor
- Tyler: How would reducing the number of themed classes make it easier to navigate through?
- Isabella: We will reduce the number of themes not the number of classes.
- Emily: If you have a class designated power and justice and world of systems, by consolidating a student can take that class. Making it easier for students to get into classes.
- Mike: What would section 1.1 do for other themes?
- Isabella: The way the themes would be consolidated would be up to disgression, they would evaluate the number of seats per themes. The idea is to base it off of where the most need is found.
- Mike: Would this be for the incoming freshman?
- Vince: That depends on the subcommittee. If they get consolidated that would be a very easy transition. There would be no loss of anything. The idea is to simplify.
- Lima: In terms of consolidation how many themes?
- Isabella: Under Vince’s suggestion the idea would be to go from 6-4.
- Meredith: Clarify section one.
Motion to amend section 1: Emily
Second: Charlie
- Cal: Who would decide who is on the committee?
- Carlie: It is the person who forms the bill typically, it would be up to their discretion.
In Favor: 13
Opposed: 1
Abstaining: 3
B. Bill 1617-0010 : The Kane Initiative
- Last year around finals week, three days before my chemistry final, the library is packed with no table to be found. I was sitting on the floor studying.
- I passed a bill last year to form a committee for students to be able to have private phone calls in a private area.
- This bill is a plan.
- IC Library does not supply adequate space for students to utilize for studying
- Removal of the outdated and unused books
- Stanford University, University of Michigan, and Florida Polytechnic University have successfully integrated book free libraries
- The student usage of the library is exclusively studying in today’s day and age
- Books in the designated area will be removed and sold/donated
- Shelves will be taken down in time increments of 5 weeks a shelf
- There will be a committee made.
Motion to set a speaker time to 1 minutes a speaker: Conor
Second: Mike
10 Minutes Q&A
- Ezeka: Were some of the things supporting evidence as to why they supported your bill? What was the chart?
- Charlie: It was to show that the library is mainly used to studying.
- Meredith: Did you want to digitize the books?
- Charlie: The computer was meant to digitize the books. But it would cost a lot of money to digitize all of them, more than we would get from selling the books.
- Anna: Do you know if these books were actually digitized? How is your version of outdated the be all outdated? Did you consult anyone else?
- Charlie: No I do not. Outdated meaning that there is no IC campus faculty that find it pertinent to keep it.
- Conor: If none of us know what is in the bookshelves I don't see why we should use it. Would the fourth floor space be designated for the private phone place you were talking about. Have you talked to anyone about how you would take them out? For the committee, if they find that some books are still relevant those would remain in the library?
- Charlie: No. And yes I scheduled a meeting with the head librarian. Yes those books will remain in the library.
- Isabella: Would we be able to use that space to add books that are required text for class? Can we look into a way where this space would be used for students to use books that they need?
- Charlie: I would say that the current books are more like textbooks. I think using the space for books for class would suffice as well.
- Mike: Where are these books going to go?
- Charlie: Other schools have sold them. They could be sold or donated, I can’t tell you where.
Motion to move to discussion: Seandre
Second: Mike
- Emily: It rubs me the wrong way to get rid of books just so we would have more space. I feel like a lot of the space is not taken up from the books as much as it is the shelves. Is there a way we can have the books stored somewhere?
- Charlie: I am sure we can put them in storage. I felt like we are keeping these books for the sake of keeping books. I don’t see a purpose for the storage.
- Taulant: You are starting with a lot of assumptions and that makes me uncomfortable. You say that no professors use those books. Do you actually know how many people use these book? We have an interlibrary loan system. When you say we need more spaces for groups you are talking about the fourth floor which is supposed to be a quiet floor. The library has moved to provided more spaces.
- Charlie: If a professor finds them necessary to keep then they can keep them. 39.51% said they have never used a book from the library.
- Cat: I think that this is assuming that outdated information can be relevant. I know many students who have used these and I have taken classes where it has been required to take physical research from the library. I think if we really want to consider the space than the storage might be a good idea. I am uncomfortable without you meeting with a librarian.
- Michele: My main critique is that your solution is as arbitrary as picking four shelves on the fourth floor and saying they are useless. I think there are better ways, organizing spaces and figuring out what we can change as oposes to cutting out books just because you think they are irrelevant.
Motion to extend speaking time by 7 minutes: Mike
Second: Conor
We will not accept motion.
Motion to table this bill: Isabella
Second: Jonathan
In favor: 10
Opposed: 4
Abstaining: 4
VI. Continuing Business
A. Alternative Coffee Bill (Morris, Yohannan)
- Jeff Scott there will be an alternative coffee company on campus. He didn't specifically say how that would go, I am meeting with him on Thursday.
B. Sanctuary Bill (Hau)
- Cornell, CCID faculty led initiative for SAFE. Wanted to provide housing for students.
- Our hope is to share resources and be able to work with Cornell.
C. Bill Structure Reform Bill (Friend)
D. Allocations Committee Reform Bill (Friend)
E. International Student Support (Grullón, Friend)
- We won’t have any say until March 17th.
F. Allocations Committee Reform II (Friend)
G. Menstrual Products Bill (Jallow)
- Met with Tim Carey, they are going to do a pilot in all of the main buildings on campus and see the results and how many people use the free products.
VII. Officer Reports.
A. President – Marieme Foote
- Elections will be coming up soon, if you are interested in running for eboard let me know
- We have been talking about bringing in a representative from contingent faculty and a representative from administration
B. Vice President of Communications – Catherine Proulx
- Elections committee is happening- Tomorrow 4pm in the SGC office
- Environmental Committee has been meeting weekly, Thursdays at 4pm.
- Senator photos are still being taken
C. Vice President of Campus Affairs – Anna Gardner
- You might have seen a letter and email regarding Tcat behavior.
- I have been working with people to improve TCAT safety.
- If you are part of any clubs, I am trying to do more Campus Affairs outreach
- I have started attending RHA meetings
D. Vice President of Academic Affairs – Michele Hau
- Scholarships are out, apply.
- Registration season is going to happen after break, we are going to start picking classes, registration has changed. You should know what the new system is.
- There is no college wide policy for GPAs. I am interested in writing a bill to make that college policy more concrete, making sure GPA requirements aren’t tempered with.
E. Vice President of Business and Finance – Ezeka Allen
- We still have money left.
- We are updating the allocations handbook.
- Food Committee met on Friday, take campus survey if you want changes in your food
F. Senate Chair – Carlie McClinsey
- Facebook is live, interact with me.
- I have this app on my laptop that gives me all intercom updates, all of the ithacan updates. If you want me to show you how to do that.
- The app is called newsflow.
- Office Hours. If you have office hours let me know I would love to talk to you.
- Believe in Love event
G. Student Trustee – Elijah Greene
H. Residence Hall Association – Nick Simpson
- RHA worked on our constitution in our last EBoard meeting
- We want to do a relay for life team
- Funding request tomorrow
I. Student Liaison to the Alumni Board – Lima Hossain
- DNI committee had a conference all recently, for the 125th anniversary that will come up in the fall it will be the 15th anniversary of IC Unity.
- Student Alumni Sub-Committee for student orgs to request alums for guest speakers.
- Going to be a budget initiative put forth that relates to tap funding, which is state funding for families with income under $125,000.
VIII. Open Agenda.
Marieme: Office Hours this Wednesday from 1-3.
Ezeka: Spoke to Julie in financial office, next semester on campus they are going to have a free grocery deal. Groceries will be available, open to students, faculty and staff.
Gabby: I was approached in the Library about summer storage by an international student. I took a survey.
Isabella: We have that.
Anna: OSEMA, Women leadership series. Park school is doing Women in Media month.
Mara: SGC Rep for Club Sports Council. A lot of issues brought up having to do with Club Sports.
Isabella: There is a political journal in the political department. Submission due by April 2nd.
Mike: IC Futures Club.
Motion to close the meeting: Jonathan
Second: Gabbi
Call for acclamation.
IX. Adjournment.
End Time: 9:10
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